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Damage to the benefits of Masturbating

Damage to the benefits of Masturbating 

What is the damage and the benefits of Masturbating Masturbation
what masturbating medicine saw?
What is meant by lusting after habitual or confidentiality?
What is the damage and the benefits of Masturbating?
What is meant by lusting after habitual or confidentiality?
What are the diseases caused by masturbating

myths and legends wrong masturbating
may have heard a lot about the dangers of or the benefits of Masturbating perhaps arrived interviews to the extent of legends
and perhaps you feel you are the only one or some of the few of your friends who masturbate
and perhaps surprised when knew that 90% of men and nearly 70% of women, especially adolescents
strange that some of the spouses who exercise special used normally addiction before marriage
here offer masturbating corner of the medical and health care and psychological do not interfere in the view of religion or the community or the habits
we here of culture, knowledge and awareness of health and physical and psychological recovery
first, what is the masturbating

name clear two normally it and that it
was the practice used by the exercised by regularly Confidentiality of himself or shared with others in their reaction,
what are the reasons for masturbating
as a result of the state of alert of the repression and energy and the desire of the urgent nationality using ignite lewd exhibition, the most important of which is sexual imagination
to reach ecstasy, fun and unloading of repression by the masturbation and access to the stage of libel
masturbating or masturbation "Masturbation" is dalliance rubbing genital
in a regular and continuous until access to Ecstasy is usually used capita labor for males and females.
How is masturbating

What is the masturbation and stage of libel

masturbation is a case of sexual arousal of persons
touching the genitals, and men and women do lusting after,
you can also masturbating for yourself or any other person.
What do you know about masturbating and masturbation?
 Does the damage or the positives?
The allegations about the nature of the masturbation that cause blindness or madness or acne
or increase body hair also say cause Baldness, disability or sexual problems of pregnancy
despite the proliferation of many myths virtualization on masturbation, but it is necessary to emphasize that masturbation
does not cause the hair growth in the subsoil of the hands or any other places strange, blindness,
does not cause to reduce or increase the size of the member States of nationality or change color or its nature or their appearance,
does not cause infertility, does not cause the end of the sperm of men. The masturbation
does not cause drug addiction and does not lead to the incidence of mental illness.

Do masturbation is normal?

Yes it is, apart from fun conferred by the person but the masturbation helps you know what your preference and is not liked by sex. Men can use masturbation to learn how to control the tremors of sexual intercourse, while it helps women to know how to access shaken sexual intercourse. Couples can exercise masturbation together and may find that this beautiful part in their relationship. Others do not prefer that this is good, it is in the end a personal decision.
How can masturbating?

There is no way to correct the wrong way to exercise masturbating men they practice often through penis scrub either women usually by touching the clitoris and the surrounding area vaginal swab. is a small promontory Lin is located at the front of the vagina this region is very sensitive and can stimulate appreciate as much as possible of the sexual pleasure. Women depends on the clitoris/shaken sexual intercourse during sex or masturbating

What is the defamation?

Defamation occurs when the sperm from rail when men when men in Orgasm. It is usually 5 hope of fluid but may get more than that, particularly when the man had been throwing since a long period of time. A woman can also that the fluid descend but less common compared to men.

Does the masturbation on the number of sperm?
That masturbation does not affect the ability of men in the production of sperms. It will exhaust never man sperms where it produces continuously, after lowering the man may take some time to be able to slander again this is normal and does not mean that he was suffering from a problem with spermatozoa are

people will begin the exercise of masturbation at any time in their lives, many children start to examine their bodies during their development to explore new This is very normal, 256 in the later period (adolescence period) It is delightful fumbled genital mutilation.

Exercises teenagers and adults masturbating or masturbation to ease the tension, sexual access to the ecstasy of nationality, relax, or the desire to sex when there is no partner.
Individuals varies in how to exercise women are nervously watching all parts of Farag, or some of them, including the clitoris  internal and external vaginal slot, some boost anus. Most women prefer 19,374 near the clitoris and not on the clitoris directly to stimulate the clitoris directly may be severe. While men prefer to stimulate the penis and testicles or anus.

Women and men may enjoy also identify other parts of the body constitute the ends of the nerve agents deployed in the body of the exciting areas lewd exhibition, may also use sexual games rocker switch and Rod solarium during masturbation (in that case you must read the instructions to come with the game of nationality to learn how to preserve the territorial integrity of cleanliness).
It is noted that many people believe that others practicing masturbation when do not have sexual partner only. But this is not true, in fact, have sexual partner are the most likely to exercise the masturbation more than others.

And masturbate in is not prohibited and not confined to men. It has held a statistical study on the Internet with about a thousand and five hundred a man and a woman under the title of "free dialog", to indicate to us that 27 % of married women exercise masturbating at least once a month, while men married to two to three times a month. According to the NBS, married women and men married alike practiced Masturbating in secret, without the knowledge of the other.
The study indicated that 60% of the participants in the census and see that the exercise of the usually married secretly, and without the knowledge of one of the parties is considered a kind of marital infidelity; because the husband or wife March the process of nationality, if the autonomous region and arrived in the ecstasy individually and without the knowledge of the other. While 99% of participants in the Statistical Commission stressed that masturbation among the intimate intercourse, if the husband and wife to exercise in front of each other, a sort of change in sexual exercise between them.

Do you masturbating health benefits

1. masturbating safe but at the same time non-guaranteed consequences, unlike sex with another person, the masturbating cannot transfer sexual disease and will make you feel muscle stress or poke in the eye or indulging in critical situation that can be felt by sex with another person, but could lead masturbating frequently, or very strongly to raise the skin of the penis.
2. The practice of Masturbating face down - for example through pressure on the solvency or cushion or even the floor carpets - that can hurt the urethritis (Course of urine), lead to making the urine out of the penis is full of vigor but spray difficult to control. In some rare cases, can cause masturbating to break the penis. This dire situation often require surgery.
3. can be masturbating to promote sexual life but at the same time being dispersed and affect them in the negative. Some of the studies that masturbating useful when sex with a partner life; since that practice helps men to identify their nationality, and what appears to be well and what seems to be not good for them. It also helps men to recognize the "moment of no return" before the moment of ecstasy, known how to avoid premature ejaculation.
4. some might believe that pedophiles end of Masturbating but the reality is not just that, where a medical report published recently enjoys a "T Nation", based on a study conducted in 1978 that the levels of the hormone testosterone among young people under study rose after the landing operation shortly afterwards, which increases the libido sexual desire, thus increasing the need to exercise again. The report also stated that the masturbating both at the exercise individually or through watching movies and pornography reduce the levels of the hormone التوستيستيرون among men in the long run, which reduces the desire of the men in the exercise of marital relationship intimacy, and affect the efficiency of the sperms.
Michael Parliament - associate professor specialized in psychiatry and medicine genital and urinary tract in the faculty will Corel Medicine in New York City and head of the research society and treatment of sex. that "any person who suffers from weak sexual abuse must ask himself whether exercise Masturbating in produce feelings of different from that obtained from the hands of the vagina or his wife."
The researchers indicated the exercise of masturbation by men over the age of 50 are frequently help prostate depletion of the fluids that may contain materials cause cancer.

Do you masturbating dangerous?

Yes it is dangerous. Although there was no confirms that masturbating lead to blindness or madness or acne or hair growth frequently, and that he does not carry any risk of pregnancy not carrying any infected persons nationality but it may be vulnerable to disease when contact with member States of nationality of another person because sexually transmitted diseases may move through the sperm or liquid pap smears.
And could move the infection when using sexual games during masturbating or when someone suffering diseases tarnishing them before thee. And called on anything used during sex known sexual games both designed for this purpose or not, it is necessary to save the games are always clean and, if you share these games with others to be laundered after use and, if possible, you can put condoms in each time.

Do you masturbating dangerous?

If you are serious about searching for an answer to the detriment of Masturbating

read the subject of the

Can be harmed during masturbating?
This is not possible, despite the existence of the risk of injury or pain or bruises in the case of the masturbation been sharp manner or use of anything that may get harm. Men feel sometimes concerned about the possibility of breaking the penis, but this is rare and occurs only in the case of twisted the establishment of the penis violently by another person. You can learn more in Five Facts About the rail.

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